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So, after procrastinating a lot, a have finally decided to learn kotlin. This will be my safeplace for all the knowledge i gather up around this language, as well its use in Android dev. I have downloaded a bunch of resources and signed up a few courses and my target is to cover atleast enough to kotlin to make 3-5 production level apps and in future get an aad certification for kotlin.

I will be using google docs for making the notes. The mkdocs is causing problems with python 3.8 and i am unable to view any changes i do unless i deploy them to production. I am thinking of adding all my resources in the blogs folder only, providing a github link for that, but i guess that will make the repo sie very large and cause issues in push/pull. So i will be adding them to gdrive and adding them to my .ignore lists .Hope mkdocs doesn't break

(Update feb 17,20 : A few posts are with me in my local system, would try to update links here earliest as possible. i am currently looking for a better approach for a website, so i would be either creating one myself{i.e a without using static website frameworks} or using a better blogsite approach {i am having a thought of using reddit for blogging as an idea})