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Here you would find somethings that i wanna write about.
These are all just rough random notes that i like to take while learning something new. once i am confident about these stuff, i move them to blogs section( or sometimes even just forget about that too) The important thing here is rough notes. they neither show my complete knowledge, nor are they unique to me just a bunch of stuff i collected from the internet. You are free to comment and point to the mistakes, copy paste etc If you find some proprietary stuff or stuff that needs to be attributed, let me know via the disqus forums and i would rightfully attribute.

-- Ansh.

PS: These notes are intended to be of my personal use and might contain mix of hindi,english/klingon,high valyrian,dothraki and binary. There is also a hidden link on this page having some extra content that i would like to keep hidden, but kudos if you find it :)