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Setup a new PC or Laptop for development

  1. Installing tools
  2. Setting up specific tools

Installing tools

Some common tools for development are:

tool name usage additional notes
Android Studio Developing Apps
VS Code Opening Code files
brew for installing tools add to path, ensure its access
openjdk11(via brew) for running java code add to path, ensure its access
python3 for running python apps add to path, ensure its access
nvm for managing node+pip versions add to path, ensure its access
gradle for running gradle commands on apps add to path, ensure its access
git for vcs usually already present, but setup local ssh
misc mac enable hidden files

Setup Specific tools


  1. Git is already installed in most of the OS, if its not there, simply install via
  2. ensure its access via git -v

Setting up Git SSH Access

Git basically connects to VCS Repo Hosting Sites like Github via some form of authentication. Before 2019, we would usually use username+password, which git would store in a credentials manager and automatically use while making an Https Request.

However, it was deprecated and now we are left with either setting Https mechanims, or setting up SSH . SSH is relatively easy and very helpful. In SSH, there are basically 2 entities : Local key and server key

  1. (If steps 1-4 fail, redo them, BUT first delete the contents of ~/.ssh
  2. We generate 2 keys with the following command ssh-keygen -o -t rsa -C ""
  3. It will ask some question for passphrase, and name, just press enter
  4. It will create 2 keys id_rsa and . both are text files if you try opening them in a text editor
  5. add those keys in ~/.ssh folder (read steps for enabling hidden files in the section below)

So now you have a local ssh environment setup!

Next time you want to use SSH login with any Online VCS Dashboard account for "", you simply have to do the following steps:

  1. goto the VCS dashboard and register your ssh public key there (the contents of
  2. git clone <ssh_url_of_dashboards_repo>
  3. it will show a message like this: ```shell root:user:username$ git pull

The authenticity of host ' (88.888.88.88)' can't be established. XY12XYZ12 key fingerprint is SHA256:+XXXxxxxXXXXxxxxXXX/yyyYYYYyyyYYYyyyYYYyy. This key is not known by any other names Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?

4. press yes, and it will start downloading the content!

Warning: Permanently added '' (XY12XYZ12) to the list of known hosts.
remote: Enumerating objects: 60209, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (7498/7498), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2083/2083), done.
remote: Total 60209 (delta 4238), reused 6922 (delta 3850), pack-reused 52711
Receiving objects: 100% (60209/60209), 152.98 MiB | 7.63 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (31395/31395), done.

  • [ ] TODO : Add Details for all the tools that needs to be installed